Citrus House represents our family’s progression in pursuing our passion to bring authentic, craft, and quality products to the US. Below is our story and the journey ahead that it’s built upon.


Our Family Business

We started a European food and beverage importing business 20 years ago that sparked a deep appreciation for quality ingredients and where to find them.

Our Mission

We set out to make a higher quality sparkling flavored water with real organic juice. Statements like low calorie and no added sugar are important to us, but so is the quality of the ingredients we actually put in the bottle. To meet this criteria we needed to source fruit from areas with an ideal climate and experienced farming techniques.

Crafted In Italy

The ideal Mediterranean climate and farming techniques crafted over centuries have perfected citrus cultivation in Italy
Italy was the first European country to import citrus and began cultivating it back in AD 70. Since then, citrus cultivation has been a deep part of Italy's culture and passion.

Citrus House

Citrus House is named after a historic structure used to cultivate citrus trees throughout Italy. To us, it symbolizes the passion and heritage Italy has for cultivating citrus and why we decided to source our product from here.

Derived from the Italian term 'Limonaie' these structures protected trees from cold harsh winters. The large pillars offered support to insert glass and wood planks to enclose the tree from the outside temperature.

Limonaie structure
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The birthplace of citrus cultivation in Italy that dates all the way back to the 9th century. Located in the middle of the Mediterranean, it’s ideal climate and volcanic rich soil has been sought-after by many different rulers throughout history. With each ruler came a unique set of farming techniques, all of which has contributed to perfecting the cultivation of citrus farming in this region.



It is recorded that the first citrus trees that ever reached Europe were brought to Calabria around AD 70 in what is known as a Citron. It wasn't until 850 AD that lemon (and sour oranges) were brought to Europe from Sicilian shores. Lemons have never stopped growing since their arrival in these regions. The ideal Mediterranean climate and farming techniques crafted over centuries have perfected lemon cultivation

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